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We work with leaders to develop future-ready strategies that have been road tested and to manage change effectively.

The Future Leader Group walks alongside leaders and teams to develop robust strategies and action plans.

People and Culture

People and Culture

"Culture eats strategy for breakfast but culture gets its appetite from purpose."


​We engage with people at all levels of an organisation to co-create the desired culture that will both deliver on the strategy and create an environment where people love to show up to work. There’s no silver bullet to embedding positive culture change. It requires a multi-pronged approach: coaching of leaders and managers; new ways of working; creative, consistent internal communications; and developing a common set of values, behaviours, rituals and symbols. 

Mapping Change

Strategic Plan

The Future Leader takes a collaborative approach to developing organisational strategies that are created and owned by leaders and team members. Our process is carefully designed to invite voices from both within and outside the organisation to discern the most strategic way forward.


We help leaders navigate the common pitfalls so that the new strategy is truly embedded for the long-term. To ensure organisations remain agile in a fast-paced, changing environment, we help identify the key signposts and outcomes that will simplify decision making and lead towards the agreed picture of success.

Brand Plan

Brand Plan

Brand Plan


Brand is so much more than a catchy name, pretty logo and a clever tagline – although those elements are very important.
It’s the deeper identity that sits behind the visual expression that is even more critical. When an organisation is crystal clear on
their brand positioning and personality as an authentic expression of who they are, then the right foundations are in place for
loyalty and growth.


The Future Leader works together with organisations to hone their heart (core promise) and uncover their distinctives, values
and positioning to bring the brand’s unique personality to life. We create Brand Plans, bringing the right process, experience and creativity you need to take any brand to the next level.

Culture + Communications Plan

Culture & Communications Plan

If you want to attract and retain the best talent, then internal culture and communications must be a high priority. We have a proven track record of co-creating compelling Employee Value Proposition strategies that feed into strategic, practical Internal Culture & Communication Plans that can be rolled out among employees.


The Plan includes:

  • Employee personas

  • Employee Value Proposition - benefits, values, culture traits

  • Desired outcomes in terms of awareness, attitude and behaviour

  • Key messages to engage all types of employees

  • Specific creative strategies and tactics to achieve the culture and communication outcomes

Board Diversity

Board Diversity​

Good governance is a critical factor if organisations are to flourish. Boards are increasingly expected to better reflect the communities that they represent. Diversity is important to avoid ‘group think’. The Future Leader works with Boards to do skillset audits and to identify where there are gaps in gender, culture and generational representation. As a result, Boards have a diverse mix of experiences, skills and insights at the table, and are able to strategically navigate important decisions for the future.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking

We help organisations use design thinking when developing the most effective ways to engage customers. It’s a customer-centric approach that values finding out-of-the-box solutions to real problems. Having a design thinking approach to strategy creates adaptive teams who are genuinely innovative and embrace a test and learn culture.

People and Culture
Mapping Change
Brand Plan
Communications Plan
Board Diversity
Design Thinking

© 2023 The Future Leader Group

Site by Alpha Zulu Creative

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